About Us

Alice Harriet Cockle is a 24-year-old health centre receptionist who enjoys spreading fake news on Facebook, photography and helping old ladies across the road. She is exciting and kind, but can also be very dull and a bit standoffish.

She is a Colombian Jedi who defines herself as bisexual. She didn’t finish school.

Physically, Alice is slightly overweight but otherwise in good shape. She is average-height with walnut skin, grey hair and brown eyes. She has a birthmark on her forehead.

She grew up in a working class neighbourhood. She was raised in a happy family home with two loving parents.

She is currently in a relationship with Francis Keira Russell. Francis is 2 years older than her and works as a carpenter.

Alice’s best friend is a health centre receptionist called Cory Chapman. They have a very firey friendship. She also hangs around with Lilly Perry and Abbie Sanders. They enjoy watching television together.