Bed Bugs Control Kit Commercial-bed Bugs Spray,bed Bugs Powder,bed Bug Killer Review

Bed Bugs Control Kit Commercial-bed Bugs Spray,bed Bugs Powder,bed Bug Killer

Pest control for commercial facilities such as hotels or apartments can be expensive. So we at pestmall have come up with professional pest controlling products for commercial use. The main idea of this kit is to include the most effective product known to research market to eliminate your bed bug problem effectively. This kit was put together with the right balance products to treat several rooms completely and also be able to perform follow- up treatment for 100% success. Contents include 1 x 16 oz. bottle of Lambda Star 9.7 CS- 16 oz (makes 20-80 gallons), 1 x 3 lbs. bottles of Alpine Dust, 1 hand dusting tool, 3 x 17.5 oz. cans of Phantom Presurrized Insecticide and 10 vials of Gentrol IGR to stop the bed bug reproductive cycle.

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