Cy Kick Archive

Cy-Kick CS Aerosol-3 Cans Review

Cy-Kick CS Aerosol-3 Cans

Cy-Kick cs Aerosol has a long residual life – this helps to reduce the number of call backs, for the Pros. Whitmire Micro-Gen has been making pest control products for this industry for many years and they make some of the best products on the market today. Labeled for Ants, Aphids, Armyworms, Bees, Beetles, Bugs (Boxelder, Lace and Plant) Carpenter Ants, Carpenter Bees, Carpet Beetles, Caterpillars, Centipedes, Clover Mites, Cockroaches, Crickets, Earwigs, Firebrats, Flies, Flour Beetles (Confused, Red, Saw-toothed), Fruitworm, Fungus Gnat Larvae, Grasshoppers, Leafminers, Leafrollers, Loopers, Hornets, Indian Meal Moths, Mediterranean Flour Moths, Millipedes, Mosquitoes, Psylla, Rice Weevils, Scale Insects, Scorpions, Silverfish, Sowbugs, Spiders, Thrips, Ticks, Wasps and Yellowjackets. Cy-Kick cs pressurized residual can be applied both indoors and outdoors and is ideal for sensitive accounts such as food handling establishments, medical facilities, office buildings, hotels, motels and schools. Cy-Kick cs contains the active ingredient Cyfluthrin and can be used as a Crack & Crevice, Void, or Spot treatments. Can also be used on the Exterior Perimeter of your home or office building.